- Are the needs of the animals being met (ie are loud dogs kept in with the cats, or are they kept as far away as possible to reduce the stress on the cats)?
- Do they offer Feliway (a natural feline calming pheromone, proven to calm cats) to line cages to help reduce feline stress?
- Do the post-operative patients look comfortable and are they being kept warm?
We have an Open Door Policy: we are more than happy to give you a guided tour behind the scenes to show you our facilities at any time. For those of you that can’t wait – check out our virtual tour:
All our cages are lined with towels and fluffies to maximise your pet’s comfort, and thoroughly disinfected between patients. We have Feliway on hand to reduce cats’ anxiety when in hospital.
What level of care is provided to the patients?
- Are the animals given a physical examination before their procedure?
- Are anaesthetic protocols individually tailored to each animal?
- Does this include pre and post-operative pain relief?
- Are anaesthetic monitoring devices, including blood pressure monitoring in use?
- Is there a dedicated nurse for each anaesthetised animal?
- Does each surgical patient have a new set of sterile instruments used for it's procedure, with the surgical field, surgeon and equipment all adequately sterilised?
- Are surgeries conducted in a dedicated surgical suite?
- Do they use pre/intra/post-operative IV fluid therapy where indicated?
- Do they use individually packaged sutures for each patient to maximise suture holding capacity?
- Do they mainly use intra-dermal (dissolving) sutures in the skin to close their surgical wounds (where possible) to minimise skin irritation post-operatively?
Every animal that has surgery at Roleystone Animal Hospital has a physical examination prior to its anaesthetic to help us devise an anaesthetic protocol to minimise its anaesthetic risk. We also take this time to develop your pet’s fluid and analgesic (pain relief) protocol as well. It is standard for our desexings to go home with 3 to 5 days of pain relief. All of our surgeries are undertaken in our dedicated surgical suite. We have anaesthetic monitoring devices that not only include blood pressure, heart rate & rhythm assessments (an ECG), but also oxygen saturation, respiration rate and internal body temperature. Every animal has its own sterilised surgical instrument and drape kit, and is thoroughly disinfected prior to its surgery. They also have a dedicated nurse monitoring their anaesthetic and recovery to ensure everything is smooth and stress free for your pet.
What’s included in the consultation fee?
- Do you get to see a vet for the whole consultation, or does a nurse conduct the exam, the vet just provides the medication?
- Is the consultation strictly limited to 1 problem, or a specific time allocation?
- Do the vets discuss the differentials for your pet’s problems and offer you diagnostic and treatment options?
- Do you get charged extra if a nurse is required to help restrain your pet?
- Is there a surcharge if you ask for a nail trim or anal glands to be expressed during a consult?
Our vets conduct a full physical exam and assessment of each of your concerns regarding your pet. This not only means that our consultations can take longer than our allotted 15 minute time slot, but also means that you have peace of mind that all of your concerns have been addressed. They also make sure you understand what the underlying nature of the problem could be, how best to diagnose and treat it, and offer you options as indicated. If a nurse is required to help calm your pet, this is always included in the cost of the consultation, as are nail trims and anal gland expressions.
What’s going on behind the scenes in preparation for your consultation?
- Are the reception staff friendly and welcoming, not only to you, but also your pet? How do they treat their “regular” clients?
- Do the vets and nurses attend regular continuing education courses?
- Ask what course they most recently attended to help you find out what their interests are.
- Do the vets have access to recent text books they refer to when they want to brush up on something?
- Are the vets willing to contact specialists for advice or offer referral where indicated?
- Can you speak to a vet when you ring with a question about your pet?
- Are the staff Low Stress Handling(TM) Certified?
All of our staff are very friendly, caring people who love their work. They demonstrate this in the way they greet you and your pet not only on the phone, but in person. They also attend continuing education courses on a very regular basis. Our library is extensive, and always being expanded. Most of our staff are Low Stress Handling(TM) Certified. Our veterinarians are active members of the Australian Veterinary Association, the Australian Small Animal Veterinary Association and our practice also subscribes to VIN (the Veterinary Information Network) to ensure our vets have the latest in veterinary information at their fingertips. In keeping what’s best for your pet’s health in mind, our vets are always willing to discuss your pet with you on the phone when they are not consulting or in surgery. If indicated, they are also happy to refer cases requiring more extensive diagnostic testing or surgery.